Channeled message from Father/Mother Creator "Source" Audio with activations from Holly's voice: Beloved children, as there is so many of you desiring to take your next leap of faith into higher frequencies of truth and light, we want you to know that anything is possible.
It matters not what you are facing or what the road ahead looks like, what matters is where you are in your heart, in hope, in gratitude and love. These are the fields that will create pathways for you to emerge from. The inner you, the oneness field of the heart connecting to the love of Source and the all will flow to you the information for you to grasp onto and hold your desire to ascend. This is the time to turn to the inner you, the true you, the being of love and wholeness. It matters not where you are on any self-induced level of perfection, what matters is that you desire to ascend, that you hold to that despite what the environment around you is projecting to distract your concentration and steadfastness in hope. You are love and you came from love. In the fields of distortion your greatest progress towards truth becomes stronger and stronger, following your hearts truth back to unending love. This is the great ‘test’ you have given yourself. To remember who you are and what you are. My children, my children, my child…you are light and you are love. You are truth unveiling itself once again through the darkness. You are a grand creation. Hold to the love…we are extending great waves of love to your heart. Feel your heart expand and the joy that comes from remembering who and what you are, and the exhilaration of becoming. We love you, we feel you, we hear you, Mother and I are with you eternally. Never are there any broken bonds or distances…our love flows permanently to you. If you are not feeling the love, perhaps you have allowed your woundedness to block the pathway. Please, open your heart to feel your constant, eternal oneness with Us. We send waves of healing codes to your bodies, to your minds, to your emotions, to your relationships, to every aspect you may need to have greater levels of light in. You can heal yourselves…you have our blessing and encouragement to do so. You can heal your relationships through elevation of self. You can heal your bodies through heart love connection and gratitude, allowing these healing codes to wash over you and integrate cellularly to correct imbalance, to flood light and love and hope through your blood, lifting, lifting, lifting you to your desired place in oneness. Pause now and relax as these healing codes enter you, shifting, uplifting and lighting your way. Feel the love continue to expand…expand your heart 10 times the field.
Prime Creator Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 10/02/23 Copyright 2024. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved.
Greetings and love send we you this day, for the sun is shining and the birds are singing and earth is dancing in her newfound glory as a new 5th Dimensional Field of light. The blossoming of such rays of permanency are unfolding around the earth as she takes in new light and shines like a new garden blooming.
Within all of this array, stand the lightworkers, strong and firm, holding…holding…holding the various chords of song that let Gaia sing. Through your sheer determination and faithfulness, dear lighted souls, the embarking of a new human 5th Star Galactic planet has been born. You, the valiant ones, the sturdy ones, who have held light and vibration so consistently for so long, and the new awakening souls who are eager in their curiousness that hold the hope of a future of love create a grand new generation of souls who are beginning thinking their lives into being. This…the creation energy has sprung forth with the gathering together, the wayshowing, and the vibrating fields of collective oneness to hold the new crystalline matrix of a unified field for others to hold onto. The many frequency holders from around the earth, anchoring in the new structures, holding and holding the higher frequencies and radiating them out to the whole of humanity, the grid workers who have opened the chakras and meridian lines of the ever emerging Gaia, the stargate holders who have opened the new portals allowing the newest of DNA strands to become activated through the energies now entering the earth’s plane in her multidimensional fielding. The portal workers who have opened up the ancient energies like Tachyon, blocked from the earth by the dark hats. You the teachers, the mentors, the guides, the angels of earth…rejoice, for your long awaited results have taken hold now and are growing. Slowly but surely, the light is gaining, and those who have chosen to awaken mankind out of its grip of darkness and enslaved falsehoods have found your truths by breaking through the control of the hijacked matrix system into the light and truths of the Universe. We invite each to continue in your holding, but do so in joy and rejoicing, in radiating that which feels wonderful! Continue in your manifesting and creating that which you know is of greater truth, thereby bringing into being the joys within your hearts. Call forth your remembered empowerments, your abilities from outside of the matrix, and bring them into your hearts. You are ascending! You are evolving. You are remembering who you really are. This is cause for grand celebration! Many of you may look around and see the Chaos still in place. Where is your focus? Where is your desire? Look to the wonder of that which you desire and hold your intention and attention there. You will see through to the newest of dimensions…and you will find there is peace, and love and harmony and oneness there. Look through the veils of deception and you will see that abundance is everywhere, that you have all you need and desire, and that which you feel you may need will be provided for you. This is a process of truth…a process of letting go of fear and ‘doing’ and stepping into the ‘beingness’ of oneness with Source. The new energies of the next few months will continue to support that which you are concentrating on. If you are concentrating on higher fields of enlightenment, clearing and love fields beyond that which you have remembered for a long, long time, you will find that. With childlike fervor, let go of that which you are holding onto so tightly, and let yourself rise with the love that you remember. When feeling clearing energies, just relax into them, release easily and playfully, honoring their purpose of teaching you. Release so lightly and quickly…observing and honoring, validating them and releasing for something so much grander…that of perfect peace. We are in awe…we are with you. Rejoice, rejoice, and rejoice! Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 09/09/17 Copyright 2024. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved. Honored we are to answer the request of How the beings of earth should prepare for the 12/21 energies and transformation. We say with greatest of love that the preparation has been coming for many of you for a great amount of years now.
Many of you are prepared and ready and stand as witnesses of what love looks like when put to the greatest of tests in a world of illusion, which is so very much your realities. For those of you who have prepared for this moment, your expectations will be equaled to your desire to ascend. You see, you have all been in the ascension process for some time now, navigating higher dimensionalities, newer community rules, the loss of time elements and the quietness of the noise of the lower collectives. This 12/21 star gate opening will facilitate on a much grander scale, the differentiation between dimensions. You will feel and know within that you are now residing in 3 separate, yet blending realities of thought, mindset, love and connection. You will see and know that traveling from one dimension to another is by your choice to do so, not by any act. It is your attention to the navigation which allows you to BE in one place or the other. You will feel more drastically the power of your thoughts and words, for your desires will manifest much, much quicker. You will begin to see through all of the illusions that were once governing you…through to a new way of living, in empowerment, in peace, in sharing, in kindness. This is a softer way of living, one that requires your heart to be open, your mind to be set on service and love for self and others. That which resided in the lower dimensions cannot hold frequency here, and so you will find yourself with an immediate drop in frequency if you begin to entertain thoughts that are not of the fields of complete love for all. If you are not in alignment with light, you will find yourself experiencing deep anguish in supporting emotions that are heavy and stifling to your true self source. This includes your plant and animal worlds too. On the other hand, as you hold to the higher heartstrings of light, in harmony with allowing and flowing with Spirit, you will find your problems easily dissipate, and that your perspective changes to make a better alliance with Source. Thus begins the great understanding of the power of your choice, from all stages of consciousness. Your super conscious, subconscious and conscious states will all begin to become very apparent and you will be remembering how to balance all three in a harmonic tone of excellence. One cannot be out of alignment with the others. All must learn to play together, sing together, and create together. What a joyous occasion this is as you realize you are the creators of your reality through your thoughts, emotions and alignment or not to Source. Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 12/16/17 Copyright 2024. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved. Channeled from the Aurora Guardians:
Divine timing is a process whereby all necessary elements and unlimited possibilities run in the present moment, flowing in field of the highest perspective potentials. When one moves into Divine Timing, they make a conscious choice to be still and allow their highest expression of their selves to govern and guide their potentialities. If one is connected directly to Source, then Source will guide and position your next expansion with the highest potentials of growth. When one is connected to one of their higher self-expressions, they will opt to trust that expression to lead them into the next best framework of expansion. This allows for fields of oneness to permeate the outcomes of whatever the experience is. Being in trust and flow with Divinity means you are trusting in the greater fields of collective consciousness or beings to lead you through the many distractions to find more peace, more growth and more possibilities of Divine nature. It is in the loss of the ego that the divinity may flow. We, the Aurora Guardians desire for all to gently move into these trust fields to expand your consciousness. The non-trust experiences you have incorporated into the brain patterns in a lower density setting may have you holding onto individuality as the safe keeper of your ego’s desire to ‘make your own choice’. This is singularity and ego craving to be noticed as something greater than those around you. To release this, consider the equity and oneness as the field of trust you choose to envelop yourself in. Choosing oneness over egoic identity will allow expansion to be superfluous as the ‘identity’ of the collective consciousness far exceeds the individual identity. Being one with the ALL is greater than being the one who connects to the ALL. Loneliness disappears when a change is made into Divine Flow. Loneliness cannot exist within A collective or within Divine Flow for all are enveloped in Love amplified. The more the consciousness expands into Divine Flow, the faster the evolution of Collective Consciousness, manifestation and creative endeavors present themselves. How to move into Divine Flow… Divine Flow is a conscious choice in each and every now moment. To set the precedence of this, a Divine Breath consecrated to Divine Flow connection when practiced continually will soon create a constant pathway to the Divine Flow of Love and Oneness. Create this Divine Flow Breath by creating a phrase and placing visuals with it to remind you of the love your soul has experienced prior to the introduction of you being separate from Source. As you create this Divine Breath, it will instantaneously connect you to the flow of the Divine Mind and Source Love Fields (Spirit). These phrases may be something like: “I Flow with the Divine.” “I am in Divine Flow” “I am Divinity,” or anything along those lines of thought. We desire for you to ponder these things. Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 8/26/23 Copyright 2024. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved. Channeled from the Aurora Guardians:
Ahhhh, beloved, it is easier for you to access home than before. We thrill in this ease of connection and flow. We have much to share with you at this time. There is much stirring in the hearts of Gaia as nature, elementals and Gaia form a new union of higher vibrational form. In this new formation, seals have been broken and new opportunities of acceleration have been presented to mankind. This uniting allows the foundation of those ascending humans to connect with nature, with the elementals and with Gaia herself in a more personable and real way. The sights and sounds of nature will be communicating in a way that they have not been able to do so before. Trees will talk, animals will telepathically unite with your physical minds and the essence of the elementals will flow steadily through your reality. This ease and flow of information is available to all who choose to see, hear and feel it. There is much information coming to enlighten the people of earth through the whisperings of mother Gaia. This uniting is a blessing to the earth souls who now can incorporate themselves into this multiplicity of dimensions forming a strong foundation of spirituality into the higher realms. Having all three somewhat separate before through very delicate veils, now they have released those veils and all are seen as one flow, one base for higher vibratory extensions of light to be ground upon. When blending with this trio of wonder, your spiritual path becomes more centered into the imagination or intuitive mind to flow with higher templates of truth and light coding. Finally, a firm place to set your feet and be planted. Major shifts will follow this as Gaia stretches her body and fills in the ancient flow of templating to its original Lemurian state. Crystal caverns, artifacts, water and earth formations will sublimate to the original formatting and energetic shivers will flow throughout the lands. All in love and harmony. If souls are at one these precious points and are moved to pass through death, they have agreed thus to do so. Again, all is in harmonic flow. We desire for you to know the reality of the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) and the dark elements of earth as they are playing out their last scenarios hoping that something will change for them. They are tired and know their path has ended. They are underestimating the power of the human potential and capacity for love to overcome all. Remind souls everywhere to not be in fear…but to be in rejoicing as these last events prove fatal to the cabal and dark agenda. Your essence of time and ours may seem different, but remember we are in the now, so now it is for you as others tap into this powerful moment of now, the zero point. Please loved ones, daily take your breath of nature and connection to Mother Gaia deeply into your heart and mind and body. Daily invite permanent presence of the fairy, the gnome, the leprechauns, the sprite, the dolphins, the whales and all other spirit guides to assist you with your intuition and new reality. As you flow with nature and these infinite beings, your own body will accept the newest coding activating by the next 2 great portals: The 11/11 and the 12/12 portals, as well as the upcoming eclipses. Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 10/01/23 Copyright 2024. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved. Holly: I recently saw a license plate TI ON 111. I figured you would like voice with me!
Ti’Onne: Alas dear one, with a leaping heart and with great joy I entertain your awareness with messages of hope. The shifting of the narrative has begun. Hope is beginning to shine forth into truth expressions among many in your country as well as what will be rapidly following in the rest of the countries on earth. The rising up and speaking truth phase has begun as the valiant warriors from the past have endured so much in trying again and again to bring into awareness of the false narrative of division, hate, greed, selfishness as well as the personal agendas of service to self in those who profess to be leaders protecting the masses. What will follow will be a huge down pouring of information so saturating that many will become overwhelmed with grief and confusion as their belief systems are uprooted through recognition of the lies that were told. With that said, there will be many of the light agenda stepping up to the forefront now to share truth and light and love and service to mankind. With this vibration being supported by all of the incarnated star nations, earth angels and many others who have incarnated to hold the light, continued meditations and seeing the truth amplified into actuality will be even more attended to. Greater concentration on the desire and preparation of entering into the 5th Dimensional frequencies will increase at a much greater population of those who are desiring a deeper awakening and awareness of who they really are. Many are speaking about ‘The Event as if it is something that will happen all at once and all will be brought into complete ascension mode.’ The event now is the process of many droplets of truth coming forward at the same time. What was a light drizzle is now becoming a downpour bringing into focus that which has been hidden and withheld from the masses keeping them in further blindness all for power and control over. Your December 21st of 2022 marks the 10 year anniversary of the extension period granted to earth to see what the light team could do to bring about a greater awakening of the masses. Because of the prayers and work of the lighted ones in 2012 and every day since, that extension to allow more souls to find their way to spiritual truths has been ongoing. The earth and her people have reached a peak of awareness that has tipped the scales into a new direction an upgraded timeline for Gaia and her awakened souls to generate the 5th Dimensional field in all its glory. Many souls are finding themselves within the first levels of the 5th Dimensional living while a few others on earth are holding 6th, 7th and 8th dimensional frequencies. These souls that are holding the higher dimensional aspects above the 5th dimension are creating the new levels of advancement within the 5th Dimension. Currently designed and existing are 6 levels within the ascending 5th dimension. These are inhabited by souls who know how to hold the templates steady while continuing to create them as a 5th dimensional society. These souls are holding the new diamond templates of the 5th dimension and bringing it into solidity in a more refined physicality. This nothing short of phenomenal. Our hearts go out to each and every one of you in your meditations, your prayers, you’re seeing into being the higher love and light that is available to all. By holding and emanating this field of hope and creation, you have surpassed all expectations of what a small group of enlightened souls can do when holding love (even when it was just done in private, person by person in your dedicated practices.) This was not easy by any means as so much distraction was thrown at you every second of the day trying to keep you from holding your high vibration and concentrating on all that was wrong in the world. By holding hope and love and emanating that, your higher vibrations combined have lifted the hold of the dark agenda ones having broken through the barriers of non-disclosure. What will continue to flow forth will be more acts of black flag events as you call them. We desire for each of you to ask yourselves in these dark flag events of sadness and oppression to rewrite these stories as soon as you see them. Rewrite, within the fields of tachyon to bring about a new story where the hero wins, where all are safe, where truth is found, where love takes over and heals. If there are enough light workers bringing forth the rewriting of the story, the power of the dark agenda will become almost null. They will lose their power over the people as no one will believe them. They will be ignored and thus will either change their pathway or hold relentlessly onto it to see the devastating outcome they’re creating in their desperation. What is so exciting dear one, about this development is that the presence of your higher vibrational light brothers and sisters can be made more known in this world. People will awaken by seeing ships coming to support them, to assist them and to offer love as well as a family connection energy from a galactic source. These continuous sightings and lifting of the veil will to allow others to see and know for themselves that many loved ones from the galaxy and beyond are here. This continued ‘show of love’ will lower the fear levels of many and help them see that those from higher dimensions are not coming to enslave, rather to gently watch over and assist if invited. As this becomes more common place to the whole of the earth inhabitants, they will see that the interaction is friendly and noninvasive. Gaia herself…lifts again in vibration as the people embrace the knowledge and acceptance of higher light and knowledge being gifted to them in love. We rejoice now because of the huge barriers you have all had to endure to get to this last leap of vibration. As a whole, please continue to just hold…hold in your fields of hope and love and creation to continue to rewrite the stories you don’t want to play out with negative results (even if that means rewriting the stories within your own lives to create new and positive outcomes of the stories that have held you bound or hurt). We desire now to assist you by offering upgrades to your auric field and light body progression as a celebratory level has been reached. We desire more and more celebratory upgrades in the future for all of you. If you are ready to receive, please speak aloud, “I am ready to receive the further light, knowledge, truth and healing from Source through the white light pillar from the 12th Dimensional Euphoric Ascension Specialists.” We now invoke the 12th dimensional pillar of white light from the heart of Source to completed surround you connecting this pillar of white light to the center of Mother Gaia. We release these higher vibrations to cleanse you from any emotion you desire to release…to purify your lives from troubled situations and people who may desire to bring you down in vibration…to strengthen fields of hope…to initiate even more in-depth healing to your mind, emotion, body and soul structure.
We are here, we are ever present, we are in love with humanity and we know that you’ve got this wrapped up as you continue to hold these truths as a way of live. And so it is and so it shall ever be…” With intense love and compassion, Ti’Onne (Euphorics Ascension Specialist and Tachyon Expert, DIA Team (DIA T) Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 11/20/22 Copyright 2022-3. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved. Good morning Elohim! It is good to feel your presence and love envelop me.
Elohim: “Salutations dear one, the extension of our all. We gladly connect and communicate with you in our mind connection through the vibrations of truth and light. We are here to serve, to teach, to invite and to radiate light and knowledge to you and to your fellow humanity at large. Our purpose today is to unite the earth and her people in fields of love, rather than in fields of fear. Great wonders are approaching your planet with opportunities to unlock and release your potential. Too long the voices of those not in connection with the highest path for humanity have prevailed on your planet. Much of what is being shared is exacerbating fear and control, distorting the human’s capacity to freely choose and understand what is truth. We have heard the prayers of your heart. Your song and decrees of interaction and desired release from these strongholds of deception have been heard and are now coming forth with great strength and presence within the physical. The injustice has been seen, heard, felt and meditated upon as to the best course of action for our assistance to interact with earth. The Decree has been heard, agreed upon and released for action.” Holly: “What are you saying? Has our New Earth Declaration and Bill of rights been received and passed?” Elohim: “Yes, through all levels of the universe. The new Decree has gone out as a wave of information alerting all who have had their hands tied due to ‘loopholes’ in the wording. Full release and interaction, as well as presence of higher dimensionalities has been invited to assist Earth as well as many other planets in the same situation as earth. We have a ‘full court press’ as you say on earth. Wonders are coming, but it will initiate a great deal of angst among the people of earth. Voices must be heard now to help them shift their focus to what you are collectively creating. Mass interactions with higher vibrational beings will be instituted. Awakened memories of the advanced star seed will be opened for further truth and enlightenment. We will not interfere with the process of individual ascension for each soul, but we will assist in the removal of all sources that are in completed resistance to the natural ascension of our dear planets that have been overtaken through greed, power and entitlement. It is our desire to prepare you for further instructions concerning the mission and fulfillment of the star seeded awakened ones to gather and radiate to their full potential as each brings about the changes on the earth that need to be. Each soul should having passion toward a new way of thinking, healing, living, sharing and creating your New Terra into being. We invite you to stand as emissaries of the most high vibration and release this collective connection of love to the world. Find one another, love one another, share with one another, respect one another and most of all…come together in all your unique brilliance and create as you step through the broken pieces of a wounded society into lifting them into greater truth and empowerment as they come to feel the difference of freedom vs. controlled. It is our great desire for all those who can hear and relate to this message, to begin your missions NOW. It is ‘go time’ for you NOW. Rise and let your voice be heard. Rise and shine your light for all to see. This to be done in confidence, in humility and in the energy of love and truth vibration. We thank you for being our voice.” Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews Copyright 2022. Tachyon Living. All rights reserved. Inter Dimensional Light Waves Now Entering Earth
Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews 10-3-2022 ELOHIM: "The last 24 hours, inter dimensional light waves have reached your planet Earth accelerating the pineal gland to a new level of consciousness. This wave has a profound effect on all life forms prepared to reach a higher level of awareness, a higher dimensionality frequency in an evolutionary process coming through the Central Sun into your galaxy. These waves create a vibrational lift to all whose trajectory is on the ascension path, bringing more plants, animals and people into the 5th Dimensional (density) awareness. Those already within the 5th Dimensional frequency have just opened up a higher frequency to ascend into in preparation for those just entering the 5th dimensional frequency. These waves of acceleration may have some powerful effects on the animal and humans by experiencing symptoms of lightness, feeling ungrounded, feeling spacey, feeling fatigue, feeling dazed, ringing in the ears, pressure in the head, loud frequency shifts in the ears, slight confusion with variations of equilibrium rebalancing along with an inner knowing that something is happening that is causing a change in all perceived reality around them. DNA strands are being ignited opening a potentiality of serious upgrades to the body. Although the symptoms may seem to be a bit unpleasant, the truth is that they are re-navigating the potentiality of the soul to reach a higher state of love, connectivity, longevity, heightened spiritual awareness and most importantly, a pathway to breaking out of the matrix of programmed pulsing of control. This advancement has been long awaited upon your planet Earth. The voices of the masses have been combined into a newer higher collective that is now stronger than the matrix controllers. The people of earth have spoken. Their voices have been heard. Those who have held the light and invitation for love are overpowering the dark agenda. The release of these waves will bring about massive changes to your earth immediately and build in the following months in your time system. May we suggest collectives of light and love on your earth to come forward and state (through voice or written word) what they are desiring in this new 5th Dimension. What can you do personally? What is it you are wanting to create? What is it you want to see? Keeping these statements in the positive rather than concentrating on what chaos you may currently be viewing is vital to overwriting the power and control systems. You are creating your new world. You are imprinting into this new higher frequency all that you are desiring within your new world. Concentrate only on what it is you want to be experiencing in your matrix reality. At these higher vibrations, an overriding of the current system is available. The heart chakras are pulsing now their own desired reality, connecting with other like heart based desires and putting in a new system of freedom and peace within the star seeds and higher vibrational beings on your earth. This new system feels as if it has an upward gravitational pull, uplifting all within your presence who are holding this new upgraded system within. This upward lifting sends out an energy pull of likeminded, like hearted souls magnifying this lifting energy. There may be the sense of living in two worlds at the same time. The false world of control and fear and the new world of love and freedom. We suggest holding to the positives during this transition. Remember the narrative you are hearing from your governments and media are those of a false agenda of entrapment. Choose the truth reality in creating and overwriting their programs by refusing to participate in lower vibrational thinking and move into your power by creating and connecting to those who are releasing this power hold and forming together a new desired reality full of all the beauty and love you can muster up. Staying focused on this will permanently change all of what you have been longing to see. You see, New Star Humans, you are bringing down the systems of control, greed and self-serving agendas into love collectives, freedom and service to others. You are doing this yourselves within this new wave of energy. We suggest you carefully monitor your observations. Try to maintain focus on things that are positive and uplifting. It is highly suggested to turn away from entertainment forms that do not bring in a love agenda. The observance of what you desire brings about shifts in the programming. If the larger part of the world is no longer tuning into the fear programming, your media programs will become unable to continue. Please contemplate this massive opportunity to lift yourselves out of darkness and into the light fields being presented to you. As earth shifts, reaching out to the higher fields of freedom and connection, so too will other planets follow in your path and lift themselves into freedom. The dark agenda will leave as there is nothing for them to gain. They will be escorted away from this Universe. What a grand site this is to behold! We delight in observing the shifting going on as you remember who you are and your power in creating, especially as a collective." Elohim High Council Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews Copyright 2022. Holly L Matthews. All rights reserved. Dear DIA,
I have been pondering the difference between consciousness (tachyon) and a being a spirit (tachyon). Could you please explain the difference...if any? Dear one, we are always eager to advise with love and invitations. The questions you have pondered are motivating, for in the accuracy of description, the energy transference takes a higher meaning and a closer connection. You have experienced Tachyon as a consciousness. This is true because it is an element of nature, a process of creation and evolution that one enters into to make things come into being. Tachyon works with Spirit and interacts with spirit through consciousness, but in and of itself, it is all. It cannot be contained within a spirit, or an embodiment, or a label. It is without individuation yet comes with an invitation to connect and communicate to the Tachyon Consciousness. It is ultra-intelligence and non-intelligence at the same time. It is consciousness only because of the interaction of communication needed from the form or entity it is working with. A spirit would denote something that is in its evolution…something still becoming. Tachyon IS. It has no need to grow as it is perfection in its very set up. Communication is something that Spirit uses to connect to something else. Tachyon, through invitation, communicates as it is communicated to, so it can communicate through flowers, energy, thought forms, voice, through all of the all. It is the foundation of creation expressing itself through the all, flowing with that which connects to it. In that sense, it communicates through your desires to communicate, for in and of itself, it is creation and works with the desires of that which is connecting to it. Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews Copyright 2022. Holly L Matthews. All rights reserved. DIA: “Through our encouragement, we offer light and love to you on a daily basis…as a never ending story of love and compassion in your illusions of separateness. It is up to you to grab the lifeline being thrown to you, as you look upward to the light and remember your worth.
Incoming frequencies are shaping the process of your ascension in a way that is individualized and perfect for each and every one of you. These beautiful opportunities of clearing come to you in the repeat patterning of emotions that have not yet fully coming into a neutralized state within your being. As the experiences reveal themselves, the natural tendency is to go back and deal with them in the ‘usual’ way your body has done before. These waves of what seems to be your reality are being interrupted by higher vibration inviting you to take the higher perspective. When holding onto the lower perspective, (the norm), these emotions increase in their intensity…inviting you to either release them into the flow of Source, or take them personally and hold onto them in some sort of victim mode. In remembering your creative capabilities, your strength comes in the release and reformatting of the old way of doing things. Invite in neutrality. Invite in a higher perspective, and if by some reason, the higher perspective just cannot be reached…validate the emotions you are feeling. Feel them to the very deepest extent, and then release them into the deep violet flame now encompassing the whole earth. It is there, waiting for an invitation to be perceived and received. Then, use your power of creation and create something better in its place. Where there is void, fill with love and the joy of creation. Allow your spirit to be okay with the idea that all will be revealed to you when you are ready for your next step of ascension lifting. It is in the promise of releasing, that lifting occurs. The release of control of other’s actions and the promise that divine light flows to those who trust and flow with Source within the waves of light that are now sweeping the earth in the fullest of forces…thus creating the ascension experiences. We are seeing ‘blind faith’ being applied as a part of letting go of the old and trusting in the new as a way to manifest and create new realities more akin to your own personal likings. Holding onto two realities can be extremely exhausting not only to the mental and emotional, but also to the physical aspects of you which are not quite in harmony with the higher vibrations entering earth.” Holly: How do we get to these higher vibrations and hold them at a constant? DIA: Truly, your belief systems that are creating your reality hold such barriers between that which you are holding and that which you want. Create a new reality and hold to it so deeply and fully, so confidently that there is nothing that can come between your new reality and you. Let no one or no-thing keep you separate from your creation. Believe, believe, BELIEVE with every fiber of your being. You may choose to check yourself to see if you are in full alignment with what you want in the areas of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual elements of your being. Remember the word Be-ing is that of your now presence. ‘Ing’…being the process of creating, and ‘be’ being the now moments of materialization. Are you in this now moment creating new realities and ‘being’ness of that creation? It is not about wanting or pushing or powering over the elements to create. It is about already being in the process of the new creation and seeing it unfold. All words, thoughts, breath, actions and emotions must support your creations of happiness, health, freedom, ascension, knowing, joy, bliss, mastery. The wholeness, the complete oneness of the soul connects your to the I AM presence of the all…which is the core of the Creator Light and love. Being unified in your being allows you to feel the unification of the all…and your presence in that awareness and energy. The more you are in the state of correcting your patterns into what you desire, the faster you enter into the frequencies that attract that very desire. It is well known on earth that it is more challenging to try to change another to receive your desired results, and many times ends up fruitless and discouraging. When change in a relationship or situation is desired, the change within yourself must shift into the ‘being’ness of that creation. As you come into alignment with the creation, you bring about the desired frequencies, experiences and light that attracts shift and invites the harmony to ensue. Allow all to be in perfect flow with what is the most harmonious and perfect way to unfold your creation, and flow with that. This point of mastery involves self-awareness, self-evaluation, self-correction and trust with divine flow of all. When your heart of hearts becomes very centered on what you desire, you are locked into the outcome of your desired experience or energy. Any thought of doubt will begin the process of slowing down the creation or perhaps, even needing to create it over again. This is not in harmony with divine flow…perfect diving flow.” Holly: “What is this Divine Flow being talked about?” DIA: It is about being in such trust and love with Creator that you see yourself as a perfect extension of Source in physical, of knowing who you are. It is about trust, love, light, and breath…the mastery of those elements that bring about the old ways through distraction, habits, emotions and belief. We offer our truths as an invitation to find more peace and happiness through your own endeavors of trust and creation… In Divine love and flow, The DIA Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews Copyright 2018. Holly L Matthews. All rights reserved. |
AuthorOracle, Channel, Alchemist Holly Powers Matthews shares insights from multiple collectives of light. Archives
January 2024