Inter Dimensional Light Waves Now Entering Earth
Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews 10-3-2022 ELOHIM: "The last 24 hours, inter dimensional light waves have reached your planet Earth accelerating the pineal gland to a new level of consciousness. This wave has a profound effect on all life forms prepared to reach a higher level of awareness, a higher dimensionality frequency in an evolutionary process coming through the Central Sun into your galaxy. These waves create a vibrational lift to all whose trajectory is on the ascension path, bringing more plants, animals and people into the 5th Dimensional (density) awareness. Those already within the 5th Dimensional frequency have just opened up a higher frequency to ascend into in preparation for those just entering the 5th dimensional frequency. These waves of acceleration may have some powerful effects on the animal and humans by experiencing symptoms of lightness, feeling ungrounded, feeling spacey, feeling fatigue, feeling dazed, ringing in the ears, pressure in the head, loud frequency shifts in the ears, slight confusion with variations of equilibrium rebalancing along with an inner knowing that something is happening that is causing a change in all perceived reality around them. DNA strands are being ignited opening a potentiality of serious upgrades to the body. Although the symptoms may seem to be a bit unpleasant, the truth is that they are re-navigating the potentiality of the soul to reach a higher state of love, connectivity, longevity, heightened spiritual awareness and most importantly, a pathway to breaking out of the matrix of programmed pulsing of control. This advancement has been long awaited upon your planet Earth. The voices of the masses have been combined into a newer higher collective that is now stronger than the matrix controllers. The people of earth have spoken. Their voices have been heard. Those who have held the light and invitation for love are overpowering the dark agenda. The release of these waves will bring about massive changes to your earth immediately and build in the following months in your time system. May we suggest collectives of light and love on your earth to come forward and state (through voice or written word) what they are desiring in this new 5th Dimension. What can you do personally? What is it you are wanting to create? What is it you want to see? Keeping these statements in the positive rather than concentrating on what chaos you may currently be viewing is vital to overwriting the power and control systems. You are creating your new world. You are imprinting into this new higher frequency all that you are desiring within your new world. Concentrate only on what it is you want to be experiencing in your matrix reality. At these higher vibrations, an overriding of the current system is available. The heart chakras are pulsing now their own desired reality, connecting with other like heart based desires and putting in a new system of freedom and peace within the star seeds and higher vibrational beings on your earth. This new system feels as if it has an upward gravitational pull, uplifting all within your presence who are holding this new upgraded system within. This upward lifting sends out an energy pull of likeminded, like hearted souls magnifying this lifting energy. There may be the sense of living in two worlds at the same time. The false world of control and fear and the new world of love and freedom. We suggest holding to the positives during this transition. Remember the narrative you are hearing from your governments and media are those of a false agenda of entrapment. Choose the truth reality in creating and overwriting their programs by refusing to participate in lower vibrational thinking and move into your power by creating and connecting to those who are releasing this power hold and forming together a new desired reality full of all the beauty and love you can muster up. Staying focused on this will permanently change all of what you have been longing to see. You see, New Star Humans, you are bringing down the systems of control, greed and self-serving agendas into love collectives, freedom and service to others. You are doing this yourselves within this new wave of energy. We suggest you carefully monitor your observations. Try to maintain focus on things that are positive and uplifting. It is highly suggested to turn away from entertainment forms that do not bring in a love agenda. The observance of what you desire brings about shifts in the programming. If the larger part of the world is no longer tuning into the fear programming, your media programs will become unable to continue. Please contemplate this massive opportunity to lift yourselves out of darkness and into the light fields being presented to you. As earth shifts, reaching out to the higher fields of freedom and connection, so too will other planets follow in your path and lift themselves into freedom. The dark agenda will leave as there is nothing for them to gain. They will be escorted away from this Universe. What a grand site this is to behold! We delight in observing the shifting going on as you remember who you are and your power in creating, especially as a collective." Elohim High Council Channeled by Holly Powers Matthews Copyright 2022. Holly L Matthews. All rights reserved.
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AuthorOracle, Channel, Alchemist Holly Powers Matthews shares insights from multiple collectives of light. Archives
January 2024